Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is also called as chronic inflammatory Lung disease that causes long breathing problem and poor airflow. Emphysema destroys air sacks slowly in lungs and Bronchitis cause inflammation and narrowing in bronchial tubes. The main cause of COPD is tobacco smoking as well as smoke from other sources and air pollution.
Mild: Your airflow is normal to breathe, but you don’t notice it much. Moderate: Your airflow is getting short. Severe: Your airflow is getting hard to breathe. You can't do normal exercise anymore. Very severe: Your airflow is worst and your quality of life is poor.
Pathophysiology is the development of adverse functional changes connected with a disease. Symptoms progress is starts from a cough with mucus to difficulty breathing. COPD and lung cancer are caused by cigarette smoking and there is increasing evidence linking the two diseases above a common ethology.
Advances like Large, well-designed, drug-treatment trails are useful to be made in the treatment and diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Airway clinical research Centre is a clinical research resource for further COPD researchers.
Respiratory Tract Infections are the infectious diseases of upper respiratory tract and lower respiratory tract. An upper respiratory tract (URT) infection includes common cold, acute rhinitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, and Lower respiratory tract (LRT) infections include bronchiolitis, pneumonia, trachea, bronchial tubes.
Exposure to air pollution is one of the main worst causes of affecting human health which is closely related to respiratory diseases including COPD. Long-time exposure to outside pollution places (at work place) and air pollution with high concentration of pollutants leads to increase COPD morbidity and Asthma.
Pediatric pulmonology is a major risk factor for children death. There are some other critical conditions like Apnea- child with apnea will stop breathing. Cystic Fibrosis- it is an inherited condition that cause an excessive buildup of mucus in the lungs.
Depression and anxiety are high in patients with COPD compared to normal people. COPD patients will have more risk of developing depression. Dyspnea is a highest contributing component to anxiety. Symptoms like behavioral, social and biological factors, dysthymias (chronic depression) are the most related disorder of mental-health.
Allergic Asthma is caused by an allergic reaction also called as allergy-induced asthma. It is a chronic disease noticed by spams of bronchi due to narrowed and inflamed airways in lungs.
Respiratory failure happens when respiratory system is unable to remove enough carbon dioxide from blood and also when respiratory system can’t take enough oxygen. Complications like heart problems, lung cancer, high blood pressure in lung arteries, respiratory infections and depression occurs due to this respiratory failure in COPD patients.
Respiratory diseases affected on the nose, sinuses, nasal passages, larynx, throat, trachea (windpipe), diaphragm, lungs, chest wall, pulmonary circulation (circulation of the blood through the lungs) and the ventilator control system in the brain. Respiratory and Sleep Medicine is supplied with the advanced technology and represents the best equipment of doctors to control and treat a wide array of respiratory and sleep disorders.
Self-management in COPD, centering on an action plan for the increased and enhanced communication between the patient and health care providers, makes good clinical sense. A basic feature of COPD is that symptoms may change regularly due to exacerbations of disease and disease progression. So, best way to prevent COPD is to avoid smoking or to quit smoking. Hygienic before taking medications, preparing food, eating and after coughing or sneezing, using the bathroom, touching soiled linens or clothes, and after you've been around someone with a cold or the flu as well as after you are surrounded by people.
Always make sure you talk with your healthcare provider about your health concerns. Take your medications correctly, Eat right and exercise, Retrain your breathing ,Get rest, Use oxygen appropriately, Avoid infections, Healthy lifestyle changes, Learn techniques to bring up mucus, Make and use an action plan.
The best prevention to avoid developing COPD is avoiding tobacco smoking also avoid if any area is having poor air quality (air that exposure to dust particles, smoke, gases and fume). Marinating some daily precautions can also reduce COPD like. Environment- keep surroundings clean, avoid air pollution, stop visiting construction sites and try to stay from large crowds. Diet- Eat protein food and try to take balanced diet and drink plenty of fluids and avoid taking cool liquids.